Date updated: July 17, 2024
All primary voters need to see on broadcast TV in English ASAP through Election Day, that Raquel Terán has a record of taking on Republican extremists and winning as an activist and a legislator to improve the lives of Arizonans:
Below reiterates existing powerful messaging that Progressive groups have supported with 30s content on OTT/CTV/YouTube and social media platforms. This same/identical message would also do well on English broadcast TV:
Raquel led the fight against Arizona's 160-year-old abortion ban even before Trump's Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. That’s why she is the only candidate in this race endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action Fund and U.S. Senator Mark Kelly. As an activist, she took on former Sheriff Joe Arpaio and won. As Arizona Democratic Party chair, she stood up to Donald Trump and helped defeat MAGA extremists like Blake Masters and Kari Lake. She will be the first Latina to represent Arizona in Congress, and she is the only Latina in this race.
Existing OTT/CTV/YouTube and social media investments should remain a priority. New resources and investments should prioritize broadcast English TV over direct voter outreach at the doors or on the phones.
Should existing direct voter outreach investments be moveable, existing OTT/CTV/YouTube and social media investments should be preserved and new English broadcast TV investments should be made.
All voters, especially white voters, women, and voters over 50 years old, also need to see mail and digital, including OTT/CTV, that Yassamin Ansari’s top donors have contributed more than 10 million dollars to Trump and anti-abortion and anti-democracy MAGA Republicans, like Blake Masters and Kari Lake. The stakes are too high to let Donald Trump and Kari Lake donors pick who represents our community.